You have a choice. I have a choice. We all have a choice. We can choose to be happy or be sad. We can choose to love or to hate. We can choose to settle or to see the good in all things. Bottom line we are responsible for our life… how? By our Choices.
Anymore I find life so beautiful, I find the good in all things, and I find peace within my choices good and bad. Y’all we are in control of our happiness. We can either choose to be happy or to be sad. That is our choice, not anyone else’s but ours. If you are not happy with where your life is right now… start making decisions or choices to get you to that happiness. Choose things every day that bring joy into your life. Quit choosing to surround yourself with negative people or people who only influence you to make bad choices. You can only blame others for so long but ultimately it’s your choice to make the change. The choices you choose to make can either lift you up or bring you down… there’s no in between. Be proud of your life and be proud of the choices you make throughout life. Even when you look back to the times where you didn’t make the best choices… choose to see the good within those bad choices you once made. There is always something positive to still be found in that bad choice. You may have learned a new lesson you wouldn't have learned otherwise. It may have helped open your eyes to needing Jesus in your life, that at first you didn't see because of sin controlling your life. See the good in all things.
We are always one choice away from a totally different life… we’ve all heard that before. Especially when we are younger we never truly understand the importance behind that statement. But in all reality it’s true. We are only one bad choice away from ruining our life or the life of someone else. What we choose to do, good or bad when we are young still affects and shapes our lives down the road. That’s why making good choices even at a young age are so important. I cannot stress this enough. Just because others are doing it does not mean you have to choose to do it. It’s your choice, and who knows maybe you choosing to be different or making the opposite choice of someone will help others do the same. The choices you make ultimately makes you, you. Bottom line we are all responsible for our own choices. We are responsible for staying in a relationship that we know isn’t healthy, or isn’t best for ourselves. We are responsible for picking up another drink, when we know we’ve already had one too many. We are responsible for being kind to others and showing others love. We are responsible for our lives, it just so happens the choices we choose to make is what shapes us, and turns us into who we are today.
I don’t care who you are, how many good or bad choices you have made thus far in your life. Make the change today. Choose to love others and show others kindness, instead of hatred or jealousy. Choose to wake up each day with a positive mindset. Choose to walk away from a relationship you know, you no longer need. Whatever the situation in your life may be… I’m here to tell you, you can change it. Starting right now… Are you going to read this and choose to ignore what deep down you know needs to be a change in your life? Or are you finally going to make the change?
The Choice is Yours.