Y’all I will say this time and time again… relationships are not that complicated. We choose to make them that way. Anymore our world is so obsessed with social media, that we have this horrible worldly idea of how relationships should be. I asked my friend the other day “Do you have a social media relationship?” she just looked at me weird, I knew I was going to have to explain to her what I meant. But, once I explained what I meant to her I realized all of you need to ask yourselves this same question...
Do you have a social media relationship?
What do I mean by that? Well, are you only dating this person to make your social media look good? Are you dating this person because he or she is what is considered to be a good looking person based off what social media tells us is attractive? Does this person share the same values and morals as you OR do they just share the same followers and follow the same people as you? Y’all social media doesn’t ruin relationships, we do. Do you scroll through your social media and see other relationships doing certain things and acting a certain way together so then you assume yours is also supposed to be that way? I know I have in the past. Y’all no one’s relationship is perfect. I don’t care how many cute pictures they post, I don’t care how many likes they have. I promise you, you are only seeing what they want you to see.
Quit comparing your relationship to the relationship of others based on their social media. Quit telling yourself you are supposed to date a certain type of person based on what social media considers a “good looking” guy or girl. Your relationship should not just be a social media relationship. It needs to be a relationship that can survive without social media being in the equation. Quit telling yourself just because your relationship doesn’t look like so and so you must not have a happy relationship. That is a lie! Your relationship can be the happiest and best relationship ever as long as you both want it to be, as long as you both put the effort to be one, and as long as you both love each other. You’re relationship doesn’t have to be glorified on social media for it to be a good one.
This bothers me more and more the older I get. Our world is so consumed by social media, and what social media tries to convince is a normal relationship. Keep your relationship as private as you want it. That’s your business no one else’s, just because you don’t post a picture every day y’all do something together that doesn’t mean you have a boring relationship. Post it all you want and show your relationship off for the right reasons, not to gain followers, and not to make others jealous. Be in a relationship because you love that person, you are proud to have that person doing life with you by your side, and be with them because you are drawn to them with all their flaws and imperfections and that’s what makes them attractive to you.
If someone was to ask you this same exact question what would your response be? Have you ever truly thought about it? Do you have a social media relationship? Does social media control your views on how your relationship should or shouldn’t be? If so, quit wasting your time and theirs, you will not find happiness in a social media relationship, I promise you that. If you are happy and content with your relationship and it doesn’t look like others on social media, GREAT! No relationship is supposed to be the same; otherwise we’d never know who we truly love. Be different in your relationship. Quit being a social media relationship. Love your person, be proud of your person, and quit basing the relationship off social media standards. If you are, you’ll never be content in your relationship, and you will never fully be happy. Relationships are not complicated, so quit making them that way.